Last week we were approached by an international real estate agency. Since the beginning of this last quarter of 2022, this is the fourth time that we have had the pleasure of being approached by a national or international real estate agency.
Because we are convinced that investing intelligently in real estate is one of the best ways to protect against current inflation and to manage one’s wealth well, we will very soon be partnering with some of these agencies and others. organizations.
So Dear Readers if you want to invest in real estate in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, as well as in America or Asia, let us know. EFA Office/Stephane MBATEU Real Estate will be honored to analyze the data for you and then make some recommendations.
The associated form:
Neuilly-sur-Seine, 17th november 2022.
A. Stéphane Mbateu
CEO & Associate at EFA Office/Stephane MBATEU
Trust Yourself
Consulting Firm in Finance,
International Mobility & Negoce
S.A.S capital of 12 000,00 € – RCS Nanterre 891 554 156
Headquaters : 16 Place de l’Iris, 92 400 Courbevoie – La Défense.
+33 (0) 6 10 86 48 36 ;