In pursuit of its vision “…to be a reference in the mobilization of technical and financial supports…” and also reinforced by the signing of recent training contracts in Merger-Acquisition in higher education establishments and Broker of investment Funds for loans of up to five (05) billion dollars per project, EFA Office under the envelope “Stephane MBATEU” and particularly via its ranges of services “Stephane MBATEU Investment” and “Stephane MBATEU Training” is looking for projects verifying a priori the criteria of relevance, efficiency and impact.
I- We will assess the relevance of the project through:
a- analysis of the financial and then economic profitability of the project alone and/or as a set of projects;
b- the mobilization of favorable regimes, tax and customs incentives.
II- We will consider the project as sufficiently efficient if, after having been previously qualified as relevant, it integrates, due to its size and the risks to which it is exposed:
c- mobilization of tools for hedging country risk, exchange rate risk, liquidity risk, etc. set up particularly by the multinational development banks.
III- We have a real interest in projects having an impact on society, which we gauge by:
d- the assessment of the ripple effects on the economy, in particular through the drop of transaction costs, the reduction of poverty and the impact on climate change.
e- the anticipated influence on endogenous growth via the expected effects on education, health and well-being.
We will give particular importance to projects that fall within our strategic sectors as updated on October 21, 2021. Electrification and Industrialization; Transport and Accommodation; Education and Vocational Training; Telecommunications and Digitalization; Financial markets; Health and well-being; Arts, Culture and Sports for specific sectors. Innovation and Sustainable Development; Public-Private Partnerships; North-South partnerships; International exchanges; Asset Management with regard to cross-sectors.
Depending on the state of the project, we could either design it starting from the idea, or improve its coherence, its maturation, its appeal for potential technical and/or financial partners, or just analyze it and introduce it. with international players in Private Equity and/or loans, especially Banks & Investment Funds and Multinational Development Banks.
Neuilly-sur-Seine, January 16, 2022.
A. Stephane Mbateu
Founder & CEO
EFA Office / Stephane MBATEU
Consulting Firm in Finance, International Mobility and Trading
S.A.S with capital of €12,000.00 – RCS Nanterre 891 554 156
Head office : 16 Place de l’Iris, 92400 Courbevoie – La Défense.
+33 (0) 6 10 86 48 36 (Local and Whatsapp number)
info@efaoffice.com / stephane.mbateu@efaoffice.com
www.facebook.com/efaoffice ; www.linkedin.com/company/27219927